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Access millions of design assets within Adobe XD

Get icons, illustrations, 3D illustrations and Lottie animations with the IconScout plugin for Adobe XD. Create stunning prototypes fast, today. ‏‏‎ ‎

Unlock 9.9 Million+ customisable design assets

Adobe XD has empowered the world to design. And IconScout for Adobe XD is here to enhance that experience with just a few clicks!

Free Access

Limited downloads
1000+ Lottie Animations - GIF
3000+ 3D Assets - PNG
200,000+ Vector Icons - PNG
1500+ Vector Illustrations - PNG
Attribution required
Access 7000+ SVG, 3D Icons and Animated Icons with Unicons
Early access to new assets
Get Free Access

CrownAll Access

$19.99 Percentage Save 33%

$14.99 Per month, Billed annually.

Unlimited downloads
461,000+ Lottie Animations - Lottie JSON, GIF
446,000+ 3D Assets - PNG
8.5 Million+ Vector Icons - SVG, PNG
463,000+ Vector Illustrations - SVG, PNG
No attribution required
Access 7000+ SVG, 3D Icons and Animated Icons with Unicons
Early access to new assets

Icons, illustrations, 3D illustrations and Lottie animations for Adobe XD

How to add design assets to Adobe XD in a breeze

Easily access IconScout’s design asset library within Adobe using the IconScout plugin.

1. Download and install

Download the IconScout Plugin for Adobe XD. Search for your design asset.

2. Customize your design asset

Use the color palette function to edit your design asset.

3. Insert your design asset

Drag and drop your desired design asset into your final design.

Millions of design assets for any use case

Install the IconScout plugin for Adobe XD to access 6.1 Million+ icons, illustrations, 3D illustrations and Lottie animation for your website and mobile app designs and prototypes, within a single plugin.


Unlock millions of design assets within Adobe XD